Adjustable Office Chair

Price On Call


Price : Price On Call
Type : Export Worldwide
Date : 2020-03-27
Company : Shantesh Carpet
Phone : +91-8208893993
Location : Gawli Nagar, Near Bhujbal Nursery, Near Sadashiv Heights, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra - 411039, India

Style : Modern

Material : Polyester

Use : Used in Offices

Color : Black

Is It Foldable : Non Foldable

Is It Rotatable : Rotatable

No Of Wheels : 5

Contact us if you are interested.


Gawli Nagar, Near Bhujbal Nursery, Near Sadashiv Heights, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra - 411039, India


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Shantesh Carpet
ad type Export Worldwide ad type

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