
Price : Price On Call
Type : Export Worldwide
Date : 2020-04-08
Company : Metalex India
Phone : +91-9433186508
Location : 17, Galiff Street, Shyambazar, Near Hockers Market, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700004, India

Handle length : 4inch

Color : Silver

Handle Material : PVC

Material : Aluminium

Finishing : Coated

Pattern : Plain

Feature : Attractive Design, Heat Resistance, Non Stickable, Perfect Griping, Rust Proof, Water Proof

Use : Kitchen Use

Contact us if you are interested.


17, Galiff Street, Shyambazar, Near Hockers Market, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700004, India


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Metalex India
ad type Export Worldwide ad type

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