
Price : Price On Call
Type : Export Worldwide
Date : 2020-03-30
Company : Essart India
Phone : +91-9810036010
Location : Flat C-65, Plot B-72, Wazirpur Industrial Area., New Delhi, Delhi - 110052, India

The transactions related to payment carried out between us and our clients are kept confidential. You details are not shared with anyone except the concerned personnel to ensure high level of security. Our warehouse is installed with advanced machines and all required amenities ensuring safe storage of diverse kinds of products requiring different storage temperatures and conditions.

Closure Type : Snap, Zipper

Occasion : Casual Wear

Style : Handbags

Strap type : Double Handle

Material : Leather, Rexine

Pattern : Plain, Printed

Contact us if you are interested.


Flat C-65, Plot B-72, Wazirpur Industrial Area., New Delhi, Delhi - 110052, India


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Essart India
ad type Export Worldwide ad type

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1. Use a reliable communication tool.
2. Avoid cash transactions.
3. Beware of unrealistic offers.
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